Friday, December 14, 2007

Tis the Season....

Every [enter winter holiday of your choice, I prefer solstice or yule because I'm actually celebrating the importance of life and survival and being grateful and blessed by family and friends, but that's me and I don't want to offend anyone because I'm from Madison], I end up feeling an intense pressure to find exactly the right present for every person on my list. I really want each one to be meaningful and show how much I value it's recipient.
I am sure that this is a fairly universal experience, at least gender-specifically universal. Most of the women I know do some amount of agonizing over what to get for whom. I want my friends and family to know that I pay attention to them when they talk about their likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. And I do feel a great sense of pride when I find exactly the right thing.
But it's really hard. And I don't have a lot of money. And I'm not very crafty. And I'm really effin' busy.
So I feel guilty, and stressed. Which is not what I want every [winter holiday: see above] to be about. I'm sure that my people would love a scarf, a gift certificate, or even a fruit basket. My people are kind and generous people... it's why I love them so much in the first place.
I wish everyone had a thing, that would be easier. If every year I could buy every person on my list some variation of the same thing, and they would love it. Let's all start things!! Someone take lighthouses, someone else gets ironic coffee mugs.... you get the idea.
I love pitchers.


Maggie Ginsberg-Schutz said...

I love People Magazine.

Anonymous said...

I'm a pitcher person, myself! Perhaps some regifting- hey, we could send the same pitcher back and forth each year.. but, oh yeah, we don't exchange anymore... Oh well, good thought...