Sunday, November 11, 2007

One thing I am not...

A Gardener.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing. We moved into this lovely home this summer, and it has a lovely perennial garden for a front yard... and some annuals.. and another lovely garden in the backyard.

It was fairly low-maintenance over the summer and fall... it needed more maintenance than I actually gave it, but it still looked ok, I guess.

Now it's time to actually do some work, I think, but I don't really know what to do. Prune? Cut Back? Is that the same thing? Mulch? Thin out? Leave the leaves, clear out the leaves?

The woman who lived here for 30+ years before me clearly knew what she was doing. And I am about to ruin all her years of hard work.

I feel like I should know this stuff.. My mother has a beautiful yard and has always gardened. I have early memories of both of my parents working very hard to keep rose bushes alive.
It didn't really sink in I guess.

That's not the worst of if though,

The truth is, I don't really like doing it. I really feel like I should. Like I'm supposed to enjoy my lovely garden, and all the backbreaking tedious weed-pulling, pruning, raking, mulching that goes with it. But I don't. There is my dark confession. It's not that fun. I'd rather be watching America's Next Top Model.... maybe that's my dark confession.


Maggie Ginsberg-Schutz said...

mmmmmmm. America's Next Top Model.....

Maggie Ginsberg-Schutz said...

You've been tagged.

(SORRY. Sorry sorry sorry! Sorry. SO sorry. Have I mentioned I'm sorry?)

See my blog if you're confused.