Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ken Lay dies of a heart attack

C'mon.. how am I supposed to feel about that? The guy is... was... a huge jerk-off who screwed thousands... tens of thousands of people. He cared only about getting rich, staying rich, and staying out of prison.
Now he's dead and I'm kinda ambivalent. He died in a freakin' ski chalet for god's sake. He never admitted to any wrongdoing, and he never had to see the inside of a prison cell. I'm glad that no one has to foot the bill for some white-collar pseudo-penitentiary, I don't have much faith in our justice system's ability to "rehabilitate" such a heartless criminal, so I guess I'm happy that he's dead. But left feeling unsatisfied.
His poor family... having to face a very unsympathetic world. Their grief is genuine regardless of what a waste of oxygen the man was.
C'ya Ken...

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